Internet Technology Master (2005–2006)

Jönköping University (

School of Engineering

After finishing my game development studies in Skövde, I returned to Jönköping to further extend my knowledge in web development. Game development was still my primary area of interest, but I decided that widening my knowledge was a good idea, especially considering the lack of work opportunities in the games industry.

Concurrent with my studies, I was hired on a project basis by the design/advertising agency Cargando and worked with developing e-commerce centered web sites, one of which became my final project work.

Internet Technology Master

2006 (spring)

  • Switch/WAN technologies (5p)
  • Web programming 2 (5p)
  • Final project work (10p)

2005 (fall)

  • Network/Router technologies (5p)
  • Web programming 1 (5p)
  • Research methodology (5p)
  • Service level management (5p)

Total credits: 40p (60.0 ECTS)